PLAIN members are working in plain language around the world:
begrijpelijke taal | Dutch |
plain language | English |
selkeä kieli | Finnish |
communication claire | French |
Einfache Sprache | German |
közérthető fogalmazás | Hungarian |
linguaggio chiaro | Italian |
bahasa yang mudah | Malay |
klarspråk | Norwegian |
linguagem simples | Brazilian Portuguese |
linguagem clara | European Portuguese |
lenguaje claro | Spanish |
klarspråk | Swedish |
International resources
Here is a list of free official resources in some of the languages spoken by our members:
Country | Resource name |
Belgium | Écrire pour être lu. Comment rédiger des textes administratifs faciles à comprendre? |
Canada | Public Works and Government Services Canada
Bonnes pratiques de la communication écrite dans les démarches en ligne (France-Québec) |
Finland | Kotimaisten kielten keskus |
Mexico | Mejico: Manual de Lenguaje Claro |
The Netherlands | NWO |
Norway | Klarspråk |
Peru | Manual Judicial de Lenguaje Claro y Accesible |
Sweden | Institutet för språk och folkminnen |
United Kingdom | GOV.UK |
United States | Center for Plain Language |
Multilingual resources
Check out the European Union’s booklet How to Write Clearly in the 24 official languages of the E.U.