PLAIN Annual General Meeting – 20 October 2020

Annual General Meeting October 20, 2020

All PLAIN members are invited to join our Annual General Meeting on 20 October 2020, at 11:00 UTC. This meeting will take place online via GoToMeeting.

We emailed the links to join the meeting and all supporting documents to members on 7 October. If you did not receive the email, please send a message to Bede Sunter, PLAIN Secretary at

What will we discuss?

Among other things we will be discussing:

  • a proposed new membership structure
  • our strategic plan for the next five years
  • our annual report for the last year, including the financial statements.

At the meeting, we will also be voting in new board members.

If I can’t attend the meeting, can I vote by proxy?

Yes, if you cannot attend the meeting you can ask another member who is attending to vote on your behalf. You can find a list of members on our website. Or you can ask a member of the PLAIN board to vote on your behalf. The following directors will be at the meeting: Bede Sunter, Vera Gergely, Jana Goldman, Margrethe Kvarenes, Irene Stotko, Christine Smith, Ingrid Olsson, Hannah Sapunor-Davis, Marie Antaya, Diane Macgregor and Claudia Poblete Olmedo.

Complete the proxy voting form and send it to Bede Sunter, Secretary by October 19, 2020, 11:00 UTC. The person who will be voting on your behalf must also email the proxy form to the Secretary by October 19. This confirms they agree to be your proxy. The proxy form explains how to instruct your proxy and what to vote on.

Please note, proxy voting may not account for more than one-third of the votes at a meeting. The Secretary will accept proxy votes up to that limit in the order received. So we encourage as many of our members to attend as possible.