Antonio is a passionate and entertaining teacher with a PhD in Spanish Philology, and an enthusiastic communicator of language. He is also: CEO of CÁLAMO&CRAN, PUBLISHNEWS and EnClaro (Spanish Plain Language). Member of PALABRAS MAYORES. Co-founder of UniCo and SEA (Spanish Editors Association). Honorary member of La Casa del Corrector and the Litterae Foundation. Co-author of El libro rojo de C&C (C&C, Madrid, 2013), 199 recetas infalibles para expresarse bien (Vox, Barcelona, 2015), Dilo bien y dilo claro (Larousse, Barcelona, 2017), and author of La mano invisible: confesiones de un corrector iconoclasta (CSIC, Madrid, 2019).
PLAIN Ambassador for Spain: Antonio Martín