Would you like to be a sponsor at PLAIN2017?

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Looking for a visible way to show your support of plain language? Become a sponsor of PLAIN’s 2017 conference in Graz, Austria.

Benefits of sponsorship

Leadership: Gain a competitive advantage by being recognised as a plain language advocate.

Consumer Trust: Increase trust in your company. Consumers trust companies that use plain language. Use this as an opportunity to align yourself with consumer needs.

Media Attention: Increase social and traditional media attention as we saturate both with promotions about the conference mentioning all our sponsors at every opportunity.

Visibility: See your organization’s name listed in the awards program and on-screen during the ceremony.

Sponsorship Levels

Consider sponsoring all or some of our key Conference events or program materials as described here. Or, become an official service provider, such as Conference airline, technology or banking sponsor.

Please contact Rudolf Muhr at rudolf.muhr@uni-graz.at for more information on becoming a sponsor for PLAIN 2017.