Margrethe Kvarenes
President 2018-2022
Finance and governance 2018-2021
Conference 2018-2021
Conference committee co-chair 2016-2018

James Archibald
Regional Development 2023 – 2024

James currently teaches at the University of Turin in the Faculty of Foreign Languages and Literatures and Cultural Studies after having taught at McGill University for 35 years. He chairs ISO’s international committee on terminology workflows and language coding (TC37 ̸ SC2). A former Vice President of the Association for Business Communication, he is also an honorary life member of the Modern Language Association of America. His research focuses on communications, translation and glottopolitics.
Heloisa Fischer
Membership chair 2021 – 2024
Regional Development 2021 – 2024

Heloisa created a method of teaching plain language. A free online course on her method at the National School of Public Administration has attracted more than 20,000 students. She is the co-founder Rede Linguagem Simples Brasil, a network focused on the public sector.
Heloisa lives in Rio and loves listening to music, reading, and going to art events.
Hannah Sapunor-Davis
United States/Germany
Professional development and Communications 2019-2022

She has worked in cultural and non-profit organizations, where she honed skills in project management, marketing, and intercultural dynamics. She has been interested in plain language since 2016 when she led a project to simplify accreditation documents for an international education firm. She believes plain language is a powerful tool and should be the standard for engaging the public.
She is a member of ACES: The Society for Editing and the Society for Editors and Proofreaders. She has completed rigorous editing training with the Publishing Training Centre.
In her free time, Hannah is active in her local writers’ group, goes for walks in the forest with her dog, and enjoys hunting for antiques in flea markets and thrift stores.
Jana Goldman
United States
Vice-President, Communications co-chair 2017 – 2019

Jana has been a plain language advocate throughout her communications career.
Through her business, Press Here, Jana continues that work, training scientists to use plain language when talking about their work to non-scientists. She has also trained U.S. government employees to comply with the Plain Writing Act of 2010.
Jana enjoys reading detective fiction from the 1930s to 1960s and traveling with her husband, a cultural anthropologist.
Greg Moriarty
Secretary, Governance & Finance co-chair 2017 – 2019

Greg is the Training Manager at the Plain English Foundation in Sydney, Australia.
Greg writes crime fiction in between teaching himself acupuncture.
Diane Macgregor
Treasurer, Governance and finance co-chair

She was involved in Alberta’s work to improve government communications and consumer contracts in the 1980s, and has been a plain language advocate ever since. She served as secretary on the founding board of PLAIN (2008–2010).
Diane dreams of spending a whole summer on a beach.
Marie Antaya
Professional development co-chair 2017
Marie has direct adult education training with her certificates in Teaching English as a Second Language, Workshop Facilitation, and Adult Education. Presently, Marie is the Manitoba Chapter Chair for the Institute for Performance and Learning. Also, she is a Certified Training and Development Professional.
Marie enjoys music, art and books. She also enjoys spending time outside with her family.
Sylviane Duval
Publications advisor

She once heard renowned Ontario Justice Horace Krever say that nobody had ever asked him to make legal text more complicated. That lesson stuck. Since that day, she has made a special effort to ensure all of her work is in plain language, and trains others to achieve that goal.
Vera Gergely
Communications co-chair, Website manager 2021

They have experience in software testing, project management, organizing events, and technical writing, with a Masters in Economics.
In 2014 they embarked on the ambitious task of introducing plain language in Hungary. Since then, they have worked as a freelancer, offering plain language editing and training to companies. They partnered up with a news portal, and launched a plain language award. Vera also wrote a comprehensive guide on how to write clearly in Hungarian.
They loves bouldering and reading science-fiction. They dream of a world where the right to understand is a universal right.
Anki Mattson
Membership co-chair 2019

She also co-wrote the bestselling book Juristens skrivhandbok. The democratic potential of officialese and legalese, or rather the un-democratic potential of the two, fascinates her. She has therefore stayed on their track: putting democracy and human rights on the plain language agenda.
Anki believes plain language should be put to work to promote democratic values and human rights everywhere. Language is a powerful tool, and she believes that we should use it to make the world a better place.
In her free time Anki enjoys taking care of her family’s 19th century cottage and catching up on her reading.
Claire O’Riordan
Conference co-chair 2019

Claire started a petition on behalf of NALA, calling on the Irish Government and its agencies to provide information in plain English. This petition is receiving significant coverage in the Irish national media.
Claire launched Ireland’s first ever Plain English Awards. Claire was the conference coordinator for PLAIN’s 2015 conference in Dublin, Ireland, and continues to work on PLAIN’s conference committee.
Claire dreams of living in a penthouse in New York.
Kate Harrison Whiteside
Membership co-chair, Communications advisor 2017 – 2019

Kate is a co-founder, along with Cheryl Stephens, of PLAIN’s original organization and International Plain Language Day October 13, She has co-organized, spoken at and supported PLAIN conferences since they began. Her motivation and commitment to spreading the word about clear communication reaches out globally through social media, event organizing and public speaking.
Kate’s clients come from all sectors in Canada, the UK and the EU. Plain language training is woven into every project. She loves seeing clients’ excitement when they put new skills to practice and their sense of accomplishment when successfully completing a plain language project.
Kate takes her plain language suitcase with her everywhere. She currently resides in a Rocky Mountain ski town in British Columbia. Although she doesn’t ski, she loves the energy alpine communities generate. She does hike, bike, kayak and snowshoe. But Kate’s current passion is getting on with writing novels.
Christine Smith
New Zealand
Membership 2019 – 2020

Christine advocates for plain language with the country’s political and business leaders. She has helped many organisations to develop a culture of clear, consistent, and on-brand communications.
One of her favourite things to do is to walk in New Zealand’s native forests and listen to the birds sing.
Claudia Poblete Olmedo
Publications co-chair, Communications 2019 – 2020

Claudia wants to support PLAIN´s objectives and its growth around the world. Her job and publications include plain legal language projects in the judicial and parliament field and constructing plain language standards in Spanish and other languages.
She holds a PhD in Spanish Philology from Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona, Spain. She is professor and head of Communications and Professional Abilities department of the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaiso in Chile.
Miguel Martinho
Vice President, Conference co-chair 2020

Miguel has developed and carried out simplification projects with corporate and public clients alike.
Miguel has a background in Law and worked as a legal adviser to the Portuguese National Ombudsman, which showed him the importance of plain language and led him to join Sandra Fisher-Martins in her quest for the right to understand.”
Bede Sunter
Secretary, Professional development, Finance and governance 2017 – 2023

Bede is bringing plain language to safety documentation – a long overdue task.
Bede has been president of the Australian Society for Technical Communication and was involved in certification for technical communicators and forming the national organization. He has extensive experience in the business of communication and in managing a volunteer-resourced organisation.
Bede joined PLAIN’s Professional Development Committee in 2016. He is committed to progressing PLAIN’s professional development agenda, in particular establishing professional certification for plain-language practitioners.
In his spare time Bede enjoys playing music and doing cryptic crosswords.
Dominiek Braet
Membership 2020 – 2023
Dominiek is fascinated about how the value of plain language goes far beyond language: strengthening brands and making relationships with clients and citizens more level, open and honest. And likewise, the impact of non-plain language on relations.
Dominiek enjoys bike rides with his wife and friends, and has a keen interest in art deco.
Melinda Melcher
Switzerland & Europe
Membership, Regional development 2020 – 2022

During the last ten years she led various communication projects. Recently, she successfully finalized a pioneer project in Switzerland called “city for all”. This included implementing an overall plain language concept, training writers and rewriting a huge amount of existing web texts. The project also gained substantial local media coverage. Melinda is not only promoting plain language in Europe and Switzerland to help governments, non-governmental organizations and firms to appreciate the benefits of plain language, she also fosters peer-to-peer engagement.
Melinda loves her cats Mimiko and Casionrani, her Turkish partner and spending time outdoors. She also enjoys painting, her creative writing workshops, plain language conferences, and is looking forward to meeting like-minded plain language enthusiasts online or locally.
Ingrid Olsson
Membership 2019 – 2023

Ingrid is also president of Samspråk, the official organization for plain language practitioners of Swedish public authorities.
Ingrid loves her grandkids and spending time outdoors. She also loves social media and plain language conferences, and hopes to meet you there!
Romina Marazzato Sparano
USA, Argentina, Italy
Communications, Professional development 2020 – 2023

Her firm, Plainlii, provides language services to diverse organizations, including Fortune 500 companies. Within Plainlii, she provides training to professionals worldwide, as Language Compass. She is also part of Plain Language Academy, where she teaches writing strategies and health literacy and will also be launching Academy in Spanish (Academia de Language Claro) in 2021. As an educator, Romina designed the Master of Arts in Translation/Localization Management at Middlebury Institute of International Studies and has taught translation and translation technology courses.
She has been a leader and active member in other professional associations, including ATA (American Translators Association) and SEA (Spanish Editors Association). She works on language standards development at ASTM and ISO and was a 2020 English and Spanish judge for the ClearMark Awards sponsored by the Center for Plain Language. Romina is finishing a book about writing strategies and would love to hear from writers and readers about examples and topics of interest.
On a personal note, Romina is a mom of 3 and enjoys trying local foods and dancing wherever she goes!
Irene Stotko
South Africa
Conference 2018 – 2023

Passionate about shaping clear communication in financial services, she presented Decluttering Communication: Plain Speaking, Plain Writing in 2017 and hosted What’s Trending in Plain Language? in 2018.
She enjoys being part of a creative team of writers and designers to make the ‘complicated simple, awesomely simple’ (Charles Mingus). She’s keen for South Africa to host a PLAIN conference.
Favorite activities are cycle commuting, hiking and camping. She dreams of cycling around the world.
Natalia Torro
Argentina/The Netherlands
Conference, Regional development 2020 – 2023

She has a Bachelor’s Degree in Legal Translation and a Master’s Degree in Translation. She speaks English, Spanish, French and Dutch.
She became interested in clear communication in 2017 when she wrote her Master’s thesis on translation, plain language and privacy policies. She believes clear communication means empathy, empowerment, inclusion and accessibility. One of her goals as Board Member is to contribute to the development of plain language in Spanish-speaking countries.
Natalia’s a big fan of music. In her free time, you will find her in a record store or at a concert.